My name is Stephanie, and I’m here to tell you that you can move through the world feeling safer in your body-even after trauma. You can shed the shame around your painful experiences, learn to trust yourself, and feel empowered to speak up. I can teach you to start navigating triggering circumstances, instead of feeling crushed by them; I can teach you to set clear boundaries, so that you can break toxic cycles.
You can learn how to fall in love with yourself, so that these practices become a daily devotion to self-instead of something else to feel guilty about!
I can relate to your debilitating fears-the ones that make you feel unsafe in your own skin. For years, I put my own care, health, and sanity on the backburner while I tried to make everyone else happy; ultimately falling into a series of abusive relationships and a cycle of pain, shame, self-loathing and self-doubt…
And then one day I said Enough.
I believe in Intentional Holistic Healing-purposely addressing the trauma we carry which keeps us stagnant; utilizing natural modalities to heal our mind, body and spirit; actively working towards emotional wellness and embodiment through natural practices.
I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist for 20yrs. I also hold a B.S. in Forensic Anthropology, Criminal Justice, and Psychology. I have worked within the mental health field, early childhood development, & health and wellness industry. I am a Guardian Ad Litem volunteer in my county for abused/neglected children, which means I advocate for their best interest in court.
I have seen firsthand through my education, vocation, and volunteer work how both the justice and health care system has failed millions of people. We see the holes in both systems by way of disease, addiction, suicide, incarceration, etc.
I carry a history of childhood abuse, sexual trauma, and loss of several loved ones. It is so important to me to provide education and tools around natural healing, as I have watched so many people I love personally suffer because they didn’t understand how much of their pain was rooted in trauma-and they didn’t know there were ways other than medication that could help them.
Understanding how trauma impacts your physical and mental well-being, and knowing that you have the power to forge another path is a game changer.
Education, nourishment, bodywork, and movement have been primary healing tools on my journey. Psychology, neuroscience, nature, and spirituality have also played a crucial role in my healing process. With the right tools, consistency, and determination-I believe anyone can transform their life.
I help my coaching clients realize that so many of their reactions and coping mechanisms are a normal response to trauma. I assist them in shedding shame, grieving, & choosing natural tools to enhance their physical and emotional wellness. Choice by choice, they begin to raise their vibration-and change their lives!
Working with me will help you to:
Decrease the negative self-talk and nagging criticism
Feel more present in your own skin-instead of like a shell
Start seeing your well-being as a priority
Decrease the shame, blame & self-sabotaging
Feel more confident speaking up for yourself
Set & enforce healthy boundaries
Stop gaslighting yourself
Feel Enough-good enough, smart enough, loveable enough; so you don’t have to continue taking less than you deserve
Maybe you’ve tried a therapist, maybe you’ve even tried meds-but you’re still not moving forward. You’re open to spiritual perspectives, you dabble with nutrition and exercise; but have you heard of soul loss, shadow work, or epigenetic changes? What are trauma bonds and reparenting? Further more, why do these things even matter in the healing journey?
This is why my approach is different.
Healing is a different path for everyone-not a one script fits all.
What you need is someone who has a different perspective that pulls useful information from several methods-to fit your specific needs.
Most importantly, you need someone who has been where you are. Someone who gets what it is like to feel buried in those dark parts of yourself, to feel ashamed and angry over what happened to you; someone who will not judge you, not label you-but guide you through this messy business of healing back to yourself … because sister, I have been there. I wish I’d had someone to show me the way instead of floundering through it alone for years-that is why I do this.
I know you are stronger than the experiences that have left you feeling trapped in the past. I know you can use your triggers as stepping stones to level up. I know you have the power to hold boundaries, which will allow you to break the cycles you’ve been stuck in… I know you can write a whole new chapter, a story of your choosing - and
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right. ”
Let The Bridges I Burn Light The Way!
Who can barely swim & is terrified of sharks? This Girl! But, I’ve also been obsessed with Australia & Hawaii since I was 5…
In 2008, I gifted myself with a study abroad trip after leaving an abusive relationship (thank you student loans!) I trekked around the Outback, saw the 12 Apostles, climbed the Sidney Harbor Bridge, & sailed around the Whitsunday Islands. My first real traveling experience at 25yrs old-I was terrified but did it anyway!
In 2011, I sustained a work injury and walked away from everything that had defined me. I bought a one-way ticket to Kauai & did some Serious shadow-work.
These experiences were a massive component in helping me trust my intuition and honor what I wanted and deserved in my life.
My Happy Beginning
I used to be a hell bent on spending my life alone…I swore I would Never marry after witnessing my parents’ marriage-and enduring my own series of disastrous relationships. Then fate rerouted me back to my hometown at 30yrs old (kicking and screaming) where I reconnected with my first love. We’ve been happily married for 6 years!
Nothing has helped me grieve, heal and grow like my partnership with my husband-it is work and it is worth it.
This experience has taught me to ‘never say never’ and that rock bottom is truly the foundation on which you can rebuild a life that you want!