After so many years of avoiding & numbing my feelings-I now support my nervous system and emotional health through natural means like herbal teas & tinctures, as well as flower essences.
I choose natural medicine because it’s important to me to connect & embody mother nature in all ways possible, and I don’t want the side effects of medication.
Choosing herbs that are nourishing for my system, womb, and spiritual health have allowed me to re-establish a healthy relationship to my feminine, & I want to you to also feel empowered in your healing!
For years, I’ve experimented with herbal blends and relied on mother nature for physical & mental health support. I’ve invested in several herbalism programs over the years and am now offering my favorite personal products to clients, as another way to support your embodiment & self-advocacy.
I create teas, balms, oils, syrups, bath blends, & tonics. When creating my blends, I take into account how the plants physiologically support & nourish your well-being, as well as the spiritual significance of the plant and what you are wanting to achieve.
Herbal teas
Herbal teas are medicinal infusions created using flowers, dried fruits, spices, herbs, leaves, bark, or roots of plants. They are one of my favorite ways to provide comfort, clarity, & nourishment to my BodyMindSpirit.
Flower Essence
The vibrational element of flowers is a staple in my holistic recovery-whether I need acceptance, grief support, self-compassion-flower essences have been a safe & exceptional way to enhance my emotional health & energetic body!
Herbal Tinctures
Tinctures are a concentrated & potent herbal extract, made by soaking herbs/flowers/spices in alcohol for an extended period. My tinctures are based around enhancing feminine embodiment & reclamation of our unique magical capabilities.
Womb Healing & Self-Advocacy
Self-Advocacy starts with feeling safer in our body & more confident in our voice, but this is exceptionally difficult for female sexual trauma survivors; I know from experience.
In learning how to push through fears around speaking up for myself, I came to understand that sexual abuse & other womb trauma played a part in my self-silencing; but learning the ancestral wisdom of herbs allowed me to reconnect with my body, my voice, and feel Empowered!
Herbal Support Available To Clients
Nourish Thy Self Tincture
Exhausted? This is for my mamas, teachers & Any Woman feeling Overwhelmed. Nourishment for your depleted nervous system & designed for those who don’t know how to stop. If you have a tendency to take on other’s problems, it includes spiritually uplifting herbs that unhook us from people & provide protective energetic boundaries.
Womb Love Herbal Tea
This has become my absolute go-to during my cycle or anytime I need to feel soothed & restored. Nettle is packed with iron, roses for grief release & self-love, lady’s mantle for energetic clearing & restoration of our womb space, rounded out with the smooth taste of spearmint. I love this blend and you will too!
Tension Tamer Tincture
Created for a friend’s daughter experiencing erratic mood swings & excessive bleeding; it can easily be used by any woman on her cycle (especially sexual trauma survivors!) This is packed with uterine toning herbs that decrease bleeding & pain, have sedative & calming effects, & help to reorient the crabbiness we feel the week of our cycle.
Calm Down Tincture
Sometimes we all need an Immediate chill pill *but without the side-effects. This calming blend is designed for high stress nervous systems wanting to feel less anxious. It has sedative herbs for getting you out of your head & into your body, with clarity & a lightness of spirit. This is one to keep in your purse, desk, or car-just in case a situation arises!
Restore Focus Tincture
Are you a Work-a-Holic lacking focus, with a tendency to be hard on yourself, & also sensitive to caffeine? This is packed with brain supportive herbs to increase clarity, enhance memory, & calm your system so you can pay attention (without the buzz & crash that caffeine brings). It also includes rose, so you can be kinder to yourself about not getting that massive to-do list done today.
Let It Go Tincture
Are you in a transformative period, where relationships are ending, you’ve been harboring hard feelings for long enough, & you just want to Release & be Done with the past, so You can Evolve into your Highest Self? This blend is designed to provide spiritual protection as you unhook from the past, release & alchemize your anger, & bring Joy back to your Spirit!
fire Cider Tonic
This medicinal remedy is perfect for darker months that breed sickness. I add it to salads, take shots in the morning, & have it on hand year-round. Packed with antioxidants like garlic, lemons, pomegranates, ginger, cranberries, horseradish, honey, ACV, & other potent herbs-it increases circulation, supports immunity, & tastes absolutely amazing!
Gold Dust Tincture
This was created on the Summer Solstice in honor of my goddess, the White Witch. This blend calms the system, releases grief, enhances sensuality, self-love, & communication-all while offering spiritual protection & psychic enhancing possibilities. This is a heart opener, truth teller, magical dreamer blend for anyone wanting to embrace her own ‘Stevie Essence’.
Courage To Speak Tincture
Do you struggle with speaking up? This blend is designed to sedate your nervous system while enhancing intuition & bringing clarity to thoughts, it’s restorative to the womb/throat connection, with mucilaginous herbs for speaking, as well as spiritually protective herbs for communicating your Soul Truths. Potent & Powerful, it’s tastes like licorice!