I spent years numbing my pain through over-achieving & perfectionist tendencies, drinking, shaming myself, and telling myself that others had it worse...I’m grateful for my survival skills, but also wish I could get the years back I spent invalidating my own story. You cannot heal what you won’t admit or refuse to feel. I now realize that sitting in my pain, reconnecting with my body, and investing in daily devotions to my own self care is the most powerful thing I’ve ever done, and I’m So grateful to have found this love for myself.
— Stephanie

There is Nothing more precious than our health & our time. We don't know how long we have here, and I want to do everything in my power to help other women on their healing journey so that they can stand in their story with confidence and thrive in a life that they love!



I started my coaching sessions with Stephanie with a lot of wounds and baggage. I was carrying guilt, grief, shame, and honestly was the lowest person on my list. I didn’t feel worthy of being any higher on it either.

Working with Stephanie has been so empowering for me!

I have been able to:

  • Identify points of trauma in my life and acknowledge my feelings around them

  • Validate & process my emotions

  • Forgive myself for attacking myself during those times as well – which was something I was not even aware I had done.

The tasks Stephanie gave me, although sometimes hard and confronting, were purposeful. By following through and truly getting to the deep seated, hard hurts (which I have spent years pushing aside) I have begun my healing journey.

At the end of my sessions, I find myself a lot kinder to myself-I am choosing differently for myself and acknowledging my feelings and needs rather than shoving them aside.

Words do not do justice to the kind of soul Stephanie is. I’ve seen many psychologists over the years, but have never felt as safe and accepted; and therefore, been able to share my experiences in such a deep and open way, as I did with Stephanie.

Her passion for helping women accept and empower themselves is inspiring; her language and presence is so genuine and warm. She is a safe space; I am forever grateful for the lessons she has taught me and the work we have done together. -N.L., Australia

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Before working with Stephanie I wasn’t able to feel/express emotions other than anger, and I’d spent years repressing my abuse. In just a few short weeks together-

  • I acknowledged that the abuse happened and the relationships were not a failure; I now acknowledge that I'm still alive because of them "failing".

  • I continue to work on setting & enforcing boundaries, and I have disengaged from my family drama.

  • I'm verbalizing frustrations and Not suppressing tears/emotions, even if they're uncomfortable to feel.

  • I can accept then redirect negative thoughts-and I can finally speak about the abuse.

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After working with Stephanie, I no longer refer to myself as broken and don't remember the last time I spiraled. -C.B., NC


I am Finally back in balance with my eating/sleeping/exercising routines!

Because of Covid, I had spent months without a moment to myself or my own needs, but I was alone in my struggle to balance all of the other people’s problems that somehow (through loyalty and love) kept becoming my responsibilities. My entire routine and life had been upended. Before enrolling in the Embodied Wellness program, I felt I could NOT get back to myself; there didn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.

Stephanie helped me acknowledge that many of my experiences from youth were traumatic-and understand where they were still impacting me NOW through anxieties and behaviors!

I used to feel guilty, like I should change my attitude to suit everyone else, but Now-

  • I have a better grip on my emotions and my boundaries.

  • I let my body relax without the guilt!

  • I trust my intuition-and realize, it has always been right-I was just afraid to listen.

  • My family interactions are much more positive-Communication has never been better!

  • My partner sees the progress to a healthy me again-we take the time to talk, enjoy date nights again, and recognize that our health and wellness are as intertwined as the future we imagine together! We are all coexisting in a much more harmonious way now.

  • I’ve been able to reframe the stories I have of myself from the past, release shame I’d been holding on to, and be Kinder to myself!

For the next person looking to make the leap, the truth is that anyone can choose to take care of themselves-if they're ready and willing to do the work-Stephanie helped me realize this truth.

The Embodied Wellness program gave me the courage to see the difference between self-care and self-love. Both are necessary. Neither are self-ish. -D.S., NY

I recently finished a 6 week program focusing on childhood/sexual trauma and soul loss (death). Stephanie is a wonderfully caring, insightful, and knowledgeable person. I never felt any judgement or embarrassment when talking to her about traumatic events and the paths which those events led me.

Stephanie sparked a paradigm shift in a way that has helped me to begin to change my perspective on how I see and treat myself, so I can begin to heal from deep wounds. She opened my ability to validate my experiences and my feelings. Stephanie was able to connect the dots on how I learned to navigate and cope as a child to the effects those mechanisms have had throughout my life- especially in friendships/relationships, trust, self-worth, the need to people-please/perfectionism.

I can Finally Admit & Speak about my sexual trauma without shame, shaking, or Crying!

I spoke with Stephanie many times before taking the leap and enrolling in her program. She helped me to hold accountability for myself and I wish I did not wait as long as I did! -NY

I do feel like i’m finally acknowledging my story…

I’m having moments of clarity where I’m able to not spiral and not invalidate my feelings-I’m not gaslighting myself anymore. I don’t have the reaction that ‘he could still hurt me’. It has been so helpful to have this validation around what happened to me-and I know I need to continue validating myself and my story. I spent 5years in therapy and didn’t accomplish what it took in just a few weeks with you! R.F., MD

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Raina Douglass-Utter,


Stephanie is an amazing soul with a gift of being able to soothe other women. With her knowledge and experience in trauma, she is far more qualified than any shrink I’ve ever been to. Stephanie played a giant role in my healing process, from being sexually assaulted to being abandoned by my partner at 8 months pregnant. I have healed at the hands of Stephanie; both literally and figuratively. She also gives amazing massages.

I’ve always been afraid to get a massage, but I felt safe with Stephanie as we’ve known each other for over 20yrs.

This experience has opened up a whole new world for me-I feel like a new person! I’ve been wanting to work on myself, not just as a mom, but as a human being-and this is a great start. I feel refreshed, relaxed and so much more!

Stephanie also had such kind words to help me begin my spiritual healing process, and for that I am grateful.
— A. S., New York
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Kyley Wormuth,

New York

What’s different about Stephanie? The connection-her ability to touch ones body and soul and know what they are feeling; she understands when they are feeling exhaustion, fear, loneliness, pain, loss of sense and self destructive. Stephanie can touch you and know what your body has been through. She can talk to you and know what path you are traveling. Although this makes her a good therapist/coach it’s not what makes her great…

What sets her apart is what she does after, the way she transforms your body during massage so that you begin to heal, addressing not only the problem-but the why; teaching ways to keep your body happy, healthy, and also the importance of self care. Coaching isn’t much different, only that instead of tough hands it’s tough love. She understands how far to push. In my experience I know she walks beside me, I know she will wait for me if I need a break, but I also know she will never carry me-and to get to where I am going I need to walk the road she has shown me. -K.W.